How to Create Great Poll Questions for Your Online Course

Online Course Platforms


Marcelo Beilin  (Updated Sep 7, 2023 )

Do you want to add poll questions to your online course? Polls are a great way to engage your students and get feedback on your course content. But they can be time-consuming to create.

But what if there was a way to generate unlimited poll questions virtually in no time and 100% plagiarism free? The answer is AI.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create great poll questions for your online course in seconds using the latest AI writing software.

Key Takeaways

  • Online course poll questions can be used to poll students on their opinions about your topic or to gather data about how well they understand your material.
  • Polls can also help you determine which topics your students would like to see covered in future courses.
  • AI writing tools can be easily leveraged to generate unlimited poll questions for a given topic in a matter of seconds.

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Why Should You Create Online Course Poll Questions? 

Online course poll questions are a great way to engage your students and get feedback on your content.

They can be used to poll students on their opinions about a topic or to gather data about how well they understand the material.

Polls can also help you determine which topics your students would like to see covered in future courses.

But above all, people love to participate in online polls. So take advantage of them to add some fun and excitement to your online course!

How to Create a Online Course Poll Questions Using AI Writing Tools in Seconds

While there are many great AI-based writing assistant tools available, in this example I’ll be using Jasper, one of the best tools for online course content creators.

Generating original poll questions and answers using AI is very easy. All you have to do is to fill in some blanks, like your topic and your target audience, and voila.

For this example, let’s assume that our fictitious online course is about cryptocurrency. Let's use the “Poll Questions & Multiple Choice Answers” AI template in Jasper and enter the following information:

  • Topic: "Bitcoin price rising"
  • Audience: "crypto investors"
  • Tone of voice: "Helpful"

Let’s see what poll questions AI can generate for us:


That’s great, isn’t it? And you can generate as many poll questions as you like and then choose the best of the bunch.

Tips For Getting the Most Out of AI-Generated Poll Questions in Your Courses

Utilizing AI-generated poll questions in your online courses can greatly enhance student engagement and foster a dynamic learning environment.

However, it is crucial to recognize the limitations of AI writing tools and ensure that you apply them effectively to maximize their benefits.

While AI-generated content often exhibits impressive human-like writing quality, it may not always be factually accurate or contextually appropriate.

To help you make the most of AI-generated poll questions, consider the following tips:

  • AI writing tools may not always produce accurate information. It is essential to verify any facts and figures generated by AI software and use them as placeholders until you can replace them with data from your own research.
  • While AI-generated text often appears polished and coherent, it may not always meet your expectations or align with your intended message. Don't hesitate to generate multiple iterations of content until you find the best fit for your course objectives and target audience.
  • AI writing tools possess a remarkable ability to generate content on a wide array of topics, but they lack the deep understanding of subject matter that a human writer possesses. To ensure the quality and relevance of AI-generated poll questions, only use AI writing tools for topics in which you have a strong foundation of expertise. This will allow you to critically assess and refine the AI-generated content, ensuring it aligns with your course goals and effectively engages your students.

Wrapping Things Up

Poll questions are a valuable way to assess your students’ understanding of the material and can help you determine what topics to focus on in future lessons.

Yet, original poll questions and answers take a long time to create manually.

AI-generated poll questions can help you generate these questions quickly, so that you can spend more time creating course content and less time creating polls — plus they’re plagiarism always free.

By following the above tips and suggestions, you’ll be able to write great poll questions for your course at warp speed!

Marcelo Headshot

About the author

Marcelo Beilin is a Digital Marketing Consultant and blogger who helps clients take their traffic and online revenue to the next level.

He also helps readers find the perfect tools to earn online income at

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