Consulting Services

“A strong content marketing strategy that works 24/7 for your business is not just a must-have to scale your growth, it's also the best guard against unexpected disruptions”

There Are 2 Cold Hard Truths on the Internet for eCommerce and SaaS Businesses:

1) Virtually nobody makes a purchasing decision without first doing a Google search

2) If you don’t appear on page one of Google search results, you don’t exist

I know the second one sounds a bit harsh, and you could argue you may choose to go to pages 2 or 3 if, say, you’re gathering information or doing research.

But the thing is, the vast majority of people never go beyond page one.

Why? Because most people are searching Google to find a solution to a problem, and there’s an extremely high likelihood that they’ll find what they need on page one and end their search right there.

That’s why it’s relatively easy to rank on pages 2-5 but super hard to land on page one — and for a good reason: this is the page where over 95% of the money is made on organic search results.

And that’s the page you need to be on day in and day out if you want to scale your revenue.

So, here’s the $64,000 question:

How can you climb to page one of Google when everybody else is trying to achieve the same goal?

By mastering Google's two most important search ranking factors:

1) Optimized content. For eCommerce sites, this means optimizing the content of your product pages for search engines, and for SaaS sites this means writing SEO-driven informational content on your blog that addresses the needs of your target audience

2) Backlinks (from authoritative sites). This means building a large number of natural backlinks pointing to your content from websites that Google considers to be an authority in their space

The Problem?

  1. It’s very hard to achieve item 1 above without having deep inside knowledge of Google's search algorithm (pro tip: reading their patents will give you a significant leg up over the competition!)
  2. It’s very hard to get backlinks from highly reputable sites without having longstanding pre-existing relationships

The Good News?

We have both, and can leverage them to help you accelerate your climb to the top of Google search rankings.

But first, here’s some hard evidence:

The charts below show the average position in Google search results over the past 6 months for the ten most popular keywords by search volume for clients who started out with next to no traffic when they originally hired our services:

(sorry, I had to blur out the actual keywords since they’re a key competitive advantage that I’m obviously not authorized to disclose)

Client 1:

Out of the top 10 keywords driving most of this client’s traffic, all are now appearing on the first page of Google search results. This includes two #1 spots, six #2 spots, and two #3 spots.

Client 2:

In spite of being in a more competitive niche, this client still managed to place all of their top 10 volume keywords on the first page of Google search results, claiming three #1 spots, two #2 spots, and four #3 spots.

Client 3:

This client landed all their 10 high volume keywords in positions 1-3 on the first page of search results, including two #1 spots, seven #2 spots, and one #3 spot.

Client 4:

This client managed to land 9 out of 10 high volume keywords on the first page of search results, with one #1 spot, two #2 spots, two #3 spots and three #4 spots. The remaining keyword landed on the top spot of the second page.

Client 5:

This client managed to land 8 out of 10 high volume keywords on the first page of search results, with two #1 spots and four #2 spots.

Client 6:

This client managed to land 9 out of their 10 top volume keywords on page 1, including a #1 position, with the tenth result on page 2.

It goes without saying that the more time that goes by, the better results clients get, since search ranking is a numbers game (i.e. the more product pages and informational content you optimize and the more top-authority backlinks that point to your pages, the higher your position in search results.)

Now, how does this translate into ROI?

That's a great question, so here's an example of the sales boost you can get from placing your most popular keywords on page one of Google.

The chart below shows the cumulative eCommerce revenue driven by organic search results for Client 1, compared to revenue driven by all other sources combined over the past 2 years:

Sales from search vs other sources

In short, by adding a content driven search growth strategy, this client was able to basically double their online sales.

So, let me show you what we can do to help you get these types of results for your eCommerce or SaaS business

We follow a bulletproof 5-step process developed over a decade of specialization in SEO:


We’ll help you develop a customer avatar to identify the full demographic and psychographic profile of your target audience to find out how they interact with Google search, so we can drive them to your site at scale.


Before you can beat your online competition, we need to reverse-engineer their entire SEO strategy so we can identify and then take advantage of their organic search weaknesses in order to outrank them.

For this purpose, we use a set of advanced tools and proprietary techniques to fully deconstruct the entire search-engine optimization strategy of any website in any niche, down to the specific details of what works and what doesn't.


Armed with this information and taking advantage of your competitors' weaknesses, we’ll unearth the set of keywords that’ll give you the best chance of landing as many webpages as possible on the first page of Google search results for your eCommerce or SaaS site.


For your eCommerce site, we'll identify all under-performing product pages and optimize them to rank as high as possible on search results for their target keyword.

Our approach is to treat every money page as a mini-business within the larger business and to optimize it to maximize sales from organic search. Then we move on to the next under-performing money page and repeat the process until there’s virtually no potential revenue left on the table.

For your SaaS site, we'll develop an SEO-driven content strategy following best practices to drive organic search traffic through informational blog posts, which can then be monetized through popup offers or email marketing campaigns.


Finally, we’ll use our extensive link building network to drive natural and relevant backlinks to your pages from high-authority websites (DR 60-DR 90) — note that all backlinking is 100% white-hat with zero sponsored or paid links.

DR (domain rating) is a popular measure of a site's authority, with 100 representing the most authoritative sites on the internet.

Here's a partial list of high-authority websites I regularly contribute to, with links to some articles so you can assess for writing quality:

Depending on your goals, needs and budget, we can work as an extension of your in-house marketing team and share the workload, we can coach and train your writing staff, or we can take entire tasks off your plate if you prefer to outsource your SEO work.

If you’d like to set up a free 20 minute exploratory call, leave your details below and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.

Marcelo Headshot

Marcelo Beilin is a Digital Marketing Consultant and blogger who helps clients take their traffic and online revenue to the next level.

He also helps readers find the perfect tools to earn online income at

What They Say...

CEO, Cascadia Author Services

“Working with Marcelo has been an absolute pleasure. My company’s traffic rate has grown tremendously in the past year: impressions are up 722%, click-thru-rate has improved by 256% and clicks to the site have increased by 1,746%. I also receive frequent compliments on the quality and usefulness of the articles we’ve produced under Marcelo’s guidance.”

Founder and Publisher, 1964

Working with Marcelo has expanded our magazine business model far beyond our original expectations. We are now a publishing company inside a tech company. Marcelo made the transition extremely easy, which allowed us to continue to focus on our product.”

President, Longevity Risk Management Corporation®

“Transitioning from novice to expert blogger is accomplished with speed, hands-on practice, and quality feedback with Marcelo's instruction. His excellent coaching and depth of expertise make his training program a joy to participate in. You clearly learn with great precision the factors involved in world-class blogging. Anyone looking to rapidly 'go to the head of the class' will benefit from his help.”