What Are the Best Tools to Market to My Visitors?
Any content marketing strategy needs a mechanism for capturing and nurturing leads. The online sales cycle requires multiple touch points and a period of time before it can yield results.
Your task during this time is to build a relationship of trust with your visitors through multiple marketing outreach strategies.
A very effective way to do so is to nurture your leads through a continuous stream of marketing communications paced in such a way to remain top of mind without either letting them forget about you (if you don't communicate often enough) or turning them off (if you communicate too often).
In addition to blogging high-quality valuable content regularly and optimizing your articles for search engines, there are four strategies that are also highly effective in building trust with your leads:
1- Nurturing your relationship through a drip email campaign
The point of collecting email addresses is not to sit on them until you have a special offer to send your list.

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While sending email offers is a valid way to market to your leads, it'll be totally ineffective if you've never taken the time to build a relationship with them first.
For your offers to eventually turn into sales, you first need to build your trust by sending email subscribers a sequence of either pre-written or broadcast emails on a regular basis, where all you do is offer valuable free information that's of service to your audience without asking for anything in return.
The main goal of this drip email campaign is to build trust and nothing else. Over time, you'll be able to suggest special offers among your free info and you'll surprised to learn how much more effective this technique is in generating sales compared to sending straight out offers all the time.
2- Nurturing your relationship through a regular podcast
Another approach that works very well in connecting with your audience and turning them into loyal fans is to host a regular podcast, where you can explore topics of interest in a more informal and engaging setting.
There's something magnetic about using our voice that helps people relax and enjoy the ride. While blogging is ideal for providing people with a specific answer they're looking for through a search engine query, a podcast allows people to relate with you at a much more human level—plus they're very easy to consume while doing something else.
In fact, whereas a decade ago only 25% of people in North America knew what a podcast was, right now this number has jumped to 70%, and these statistics are not far behind in other parts of the world.
3- Nurturing your relationship through YouTube videos
Since YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, regular video posting is a very effective way to keep your audience engaged and help you stay top of mind given the ubiquity of this platform and how often people are on it throughout the day.
YouTube is the video equivalent of a blog. Both are highly sought after mediums by users looking for new information, and both are searched for with keywords that can be researched and optimized for conversions.
And as a plus, there are the many social sharing and engagement features YouTube has implemented on their platform, which when optimized correctly can become powerful instruments of marketing outreach, driving a significant amount of new traffic to your site.
4- Nurturing your relationship through webinars
Another great tool to market your online business are webinars. Webinars are a powerful marketing medium because they have one of the highest engagement statistics of all online marketing strategies.
While people may browse a blog post, read just the first chapter of an eBook or only watch the beginning of a video before they move on, webinars are known for holding the attention of viewers for very long periods of time.
Clearly, for this to happen your webinars have to be closely aligned with the needs of your audience. But if you take the time to do this preliminary research work, you'll find that webinars will reward you with a very high conversion rate.
Fortunately, there are a number of great platforms that automate a lot of the work related to producing, hosting, marketing and managing the delivery of webinars, all for a very reasonably monthly fee.
Some platforms even have built-in checkout pages in case you want to offer products and services for purchase at different times throughout the viewing.
4 Sets of Tools that Will Help Market to Your Visitors

Below you'll find four sets of tools that will help you implement the above marketing strategies so you can begin to develop a relationship of trust with your audience.
Although any one strategy will do wonders for your marketing efforts, ideally you want to create a multi-channel marketing strategy over time:
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