What Is the Best Time to Launch an Online Course? Insider Strategies

Online Course Platforms


Marcelo Beilin  (Updated Jun 1, 2023 )

So, you've been working tirelessly, burning the midnight oil and putting together an online course that's packed with value.

You're convinced it's going to change lives, revolutionize the way people think, or maybe, just help someone pick up a new skill.

But, there's one nagging question, right? When should you launch your online course?

It's a question that can be surprisingly tricky. Too soon, and your audience may not be ready. Too late, and you might miss the wave of interest. Timing, as they say, is everything.

Deciding when to launch your course isn't just about picking a date out of the hat. It's about understanding your audience, the market, and even the time of year. It can seem like a lot, but don't worry. That's why you're here, and we're going to unpack it all together.

In this blog post, we're going to delve deep into the world of online course launches.

We'll explore why timing is crucial, how to understand your audience better, the specifics of picking the best launch time, the importance of testing and refining your launch strategy, and we'll even learn from some real-world case studies.

By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of when the best time is to launch your online course. You'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to make an informed decision that could make all the difference to the success of your online course.

Let's dive in!

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The Importance of Timing

You might be thinking, "Is timing really that crucial?" Well, let's unpack that a bit with a quick thought experiment. Picture yourself hosting a birthday party at 5 a.m.

You've got all the ingredients for the best party ever — fantastic food, great music, and fun games. But at 5 a.m., most of your friends are likely snoozing away.

Even if your party is off the charts, it'll likely be a flop because, well, no one is awake to join in.

The same principle applies to your online course. You could have crafted a top-notch, potentially life-changing course, but if you hit 'launch' when your audience is either offline, busy, or simply not in the right mindset, your hard work may not get the attention and applause it deserves.

To make matters more complex, the timing isn't just about the hour of the day. It's also about the day of the week, the month, and even the season of the year. People's routines, priorities, and moods can shift based on these factors.

For instance, launching a course on a Monday morning when people are usually swamped with work might not be as effective as launching it on a Friday afternoon when people are winding down for the weekend.

And let's not forget about holidays and significant events. If you launch your course on a holiday when most people are off their screens and spending time with family, your course might go unnoticed.

On the flip side, if you time your launch around relevant events or seasons when interest in your course topic is at its peak, you might catch a wave of eager learners.

Understanding Your Audience

Understanding Your Audience

Alright, now that we've established the importance of timing, how do you find that golden window?

That's where understanding your audience comes into play. You've got to know your audience like your best friend — their habits, preferences, routines, and even their quirks.

If your target audience is working professionals, they might prefer to explore new courses mid-week when they've settled into their work routine, rather than at the start of the week when they're catching up on work or at the end of the week when they're rushing to meet deadlines.

If your course is for stay-at-home parents, they might have more time to check out your course when the kids are at school. If it's for college students, they might be more available during holiday breaks.

Are your students primarily night owls or early birds? Some people are more productive and receptive to learning in the morning, while others hit their stride later in the day. Knowing your audience's habits can help you time your launch to coincide with their peak times.

But let's not forget the global nature of online courses. If your audience is spread across different time zones, you've got another layer of complexity to consider.

You'll want to find a time that works for the majority of your audience. Tools like World Time Buddy can be a lifesaver here, helping you compare time zones and find the best compromise.

Understanding your audience also goes beyond their routines and time zones. It's about understanding their needs, their motivations, and their challenges. It's about knowing why they would want to take your course and when they would be most receptive to it.

For instance, if your course is about stress management, launching it during a typically stressful period, like the holiday season or exam time, might resonate more with your audience.

In a nutshell, knowing your audience isn't just a good-to-have; it's essential. It's the compass that can guide you to the perfect launch timing.

So, invest time in getting to know them. Surveys, social media interactions, and email conversations can be great tools to learn more about your audience.

Identifying the Best Time to Launch

Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty. We've talked about why timing is essential and how understanding your audience plays a key role. Now, let's translate that knowledge into practice. When exactly should you launch your online course?

Let's start with the day of the week. The consensus among many course creators is that early in the week — think Monday or Tuesday - is the best time to launch.

Why so? Well, think about it. On Mondays, people are just starting their week. They're refreshed after the weekend, setting goals, planning their schedules. It's the perfect time to introduce your course. It can become part of their plan for the week and something they look forward to.

Moving on to Tuesdays, most folks are well into the rhythm of the workweek by now. The Monday blues are shaken off, and they're fully engaged and productive. Launching on a Tuesday allows you to catch your audience when they're in the right headspace to explore something new.

You might be wondering about the rest of the week. While there's no hard rule against launching later in the week, it's typically less optimal.

By the time Wednesday rolls around, people are deep into their workweek and may not have the same level of openness and excitement to engage with your new course.

And as for Fridays? Well, most of us are starting to wind down and plan for the weekend. Your course launch might not get the attention it deserves.

Now, let's consider the best month to launch. After analyzing trends and patterns, it appears that September and January are often the magic months for course launches (at least in the northern hemisphere.

These months coincide with the start of school terms when learning is already on people's minds. The back-to-school buzz in September and the New Year's resolution momentum in January can work wonders for your course engagement.

But, remember, these are just general trends. They give you a starting point, but they're not the be-all and end-all. Depending on your specific course topic and audience, the best time for you might vary.

For instance, if you're launching a course about tax preparation, it might make sense to time your launch closer to tax season when people are actively looking for such guidance.

Testing and Refinement

Learning from Real-World Successes

Here's the thing — even with all this information and planning, there's no guarantee that your first launch will be a runaway success. And that's perfectly okay. In fact, it's pretty normal.

Think of your first launch as an experiment — a way to test the waters and gather data. You're not just launching a course; you're learning about your audience, their behavior, and their preferences. It's an opportunity to gather valuable insights that can shape your future strategies.

So, say your first launch didn't go as well as you hoped. Don't lose heart. Instead, take a step back and analyze. Were there more sign-ups on certain days? Did some months bring more student engagement than others? Use this data to refine your approach.

Remember, course launching is a cycle, not a one-time event. It's about launching, learning, refining, and launching again. With each cycle, you get closer to that sweet spot - the optimal launch time that brings maximum engagement and success for your course.

Feedback is another valuable tool in your arsenal. Don't hesitate to reach out to your audience and ask for their opinions.

What did they like about your launch? What didn't work for them? How could you improve? Services like SurveyMonkey can be instrumental in gathering and analyzing this feedback.

Testing and refining your launch strategy is not just an option; it's a necessity. It's how you grow, evolve, and ultimately succeed.

In Conclusion

In this article, we've learned that launching an online course isn't as simple as just hitting the 'publish' button whenever you feel like it. Instead, it requires a thoughtful, strategic approach that's unique to your audience and your course content.

Think back to the beginning when we discussed the importance of timing. It's not just a trivial detail, but a crucial factor that can significantly impact your course's success.

From that birthday party at dawn analogy, we now understand that the most amazing course can fall flat if it's not launched at the right time.

So, while determining the best time to launch your online course may not be an exact science, it's far from a random guess.

It's a thoughtful, data-driven process that takes into account your unique audience and the specific features of your course. Armed with the insights from this blog post, you're now ready to make an informed decision about your course launch.

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About the author

Marcelo Beilin is a Digital Marketing Consultant and blogger who helps clients take their traffic and online revenue to the next level.

He also helps readers find the perfect tools to earn online income at BestTech2EarnOnline.com.

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